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提问网友 发布时间:2024-05-05 04:20
热心网友 回答时间:2024-05-15 07:41
Life is 10% is created by themselves, 90% is see how you treat. I think every one of us to succeed in everything, unwilling to mediocrity. Each people have own dream, has wanted to do his own thing. So as a teenager, what we can do is to study well.

Learning is a process of accumulation, learning is a test of enrance. If you can persist in the end, and strive to learn, to get a good university, it is close to my dream.

Successful; the reason for the success of the now than there are now a lot of students e to momentary achievement is not ideal, and loss of confidence in there decadent. Do you really think you than others, you not with others? Don't you always is a poor student? I think not, each people all want to take an examination of the first, want to be teachers, fellow students and their parents. The struggle is life, life can only move forward, we only study hard, it is the most effective way to success, and not their left than others, but because they go to the direction and not their strength than others, but because they find the focal point. I learn to find the right direction, find the learning method.

To score put up, there must be a target will continue to inspire us, does not have the goal of life wandering life, has the goal of life struggle life. The former is dim, calm, food and clothing, mediocre, the bright, full, warm and bright.

With the goal, if not adhere to in the end, is not enough. Learning is a boring process. Willing to be lonely, to hold the lonely is a kind of realm. Loneliness is a kind of attitude, loneliness is a state of mind, the twists and turns of fate is what we can't imagine, defensible loneliness can resist the temptation of a successful career.

Loneliness is short, lonely to bring us is rich beautiful. "Ancient sages are lonely," we want to enre live lonely study hard.

Study hard, know how to persist, and enre the loneliness, let us become a successful person.


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