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N 2 Gether Now. 歌词

提问网友 发布时间:5小时前
热心网友 回答时间:2024-10-22 08:37
歌曲:N 2 Gether Now
Who can be the boss?
Look up to the cross
Stranded in the land of the lost
Standin up, I'm sideways
I'm blazin' up the path
Runnin on the highways of rap
Choked up by the smoke and the charcoal
Lava stamps and brands me like a barcode
I'm Dashin all the meteor strikes
Keep the media dykes
As re-enforcements for the fight
And that alone with keep John Ghotti on the phone
Tangled in his own I got the bees on the track
Where the * you at?
Let me hear you pigeons run your mouth now
Shut the * up!
I'm pluggin in them social skills
That keep my total bills over a million
The last time I checked it
Thank God I'm blessed with the mind that I wreck it
Wait until the second round, I'll knock him out
They call me big John stud
My middle name mud
Dirty water flow
Too much for you thugs
That can't stand the flood
What up doc?
Hold big gun like Elmer Fudd
The sure shot
Mr. Meth I'm unplugged
Temperature's too hot for sunblock
Playin with minds can get you state time
Lock behind twelve bars from a great mind
Killa bees in the club when there's ladybug
Brought a sword to tha dance floor to cut a rug
Love is love all day 'til they both slug
And take another life in cold blood
Cause it's your blood
Murder is tremendous
Crime is endless
Same shit different day
Father forgive us
They know not what they do
Our praises do
I'm big like easy, ya bigbamboo
What's that, I didn't hear you?
Come on a little louder
Everybody N 2 Gether now
What? What?
Headstrong, deadcon, dead by dawn
Deadweight they dead wrong
Let's get it on
Twelve rounds of throwdown
Who hold crown?
Protect land with both pound
Limp Bizkit
Get around like merry-go
What's the scenario?
Comin' through your stereo
Why risk it
Lifestyles of the prolific and gifted
Eight essential vitamins and minerals
Word on the street is
They bit my thesis
Knocked out their front teethes
Tryin to taste mine
Actin like they heard through the grapevine
Dope fiendin for the baseline
To provide rhyme
Hard as nails to the cubicle
Where you find that monster
She beautiful
Wu-Tang and Limp Bizkit
Roll on the check
Kick a hole in the speaker
Pull the plug and inject
Fred: Mic check
So what's it all about?
Where we gonna run?
Maybe we can meet up on the sun
Discretion is advised
For the blood of virgin eyes
Limpin on the track with Method
So get the sunblock
You get your one shot
Until you dissolve
I revolve around everything you got
From outta nowhere prepare
You'll be blinded by the glare
I told you not to stare
Now you're turned into stone
Without a microphone
But don't you forget you're in the zone
(Method Man - So shut the * up!)
And take that shit back
Cause all your shit's whack
(Method Man - (Doodoo is doodoo)
When it's way down like that
Burnin up your brain like a piston
So all those who didn't listen
Never even knew what they were missin
And never even knew that the sky was fallin down
Wu-Tang Clan for the crown
Method Man: What's that, I didn't hear you?
Everybody N2 Gether now
Method Man: It was over your head all day every day
Wu-Tang, Killa Bees, and the Limp
Gotta know the time
Gotta know to rhyme
It ain't easy bein greezy
In a world of cleanliness and you know all that other madness
We gone
Limp Bizkit, Method Man, rock the house y'all, bring it on



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