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要一段英语翻译下来小故事 急

提问网友 发布时间:2024-10-22 20:11
热心网友 回答时间:2024-10-28 02:04
A little girl biked happily to a park. She parked the bike somewhere, and went to see the people swimming in the sea. At that moment, a thief was closer and closer. The little girl was so focused on watching, and didn't pay attention to her bike at all. The thief rode the bike away. When the little girl thought of it, she found that the bike was gone. She rushed to a telephone shelter and reported to the police. She's crying while talking...
热心网友 回答时间:2024-10-28 02:05
A little girl Jizhe Ju-happily came to a park, she will be placed on a car, do not watch the sea in the middle reaches of the Wing people, at this time, the thief is a step-by-step approach towards her. The little girl looked to see the God, did not take into account the car, the thieves will do her car ride away. When the little girl Hui Guoshen, they found the car missing. She's anxious towards the Office of telephone, alarm, she said, crying ... ...
热心网友 回答时间:2024-10-28 02:05
Once upon a time, a girl rode her bike to a park.She parked her bike and went to see those people who was swimming in the sea.Suddenly a thief came closer and closer,but the girl was so focused on those swimmer, and did not noticed him.Sadly, the thief took her bike and rode away.A moment later, she noticed that she lost her bike.She ran to a telephone and called the police, saying and crying...
热心网友 回答时间:2024-10-28 02:06
A girl rode her bike happily to a park.She parked her bike and went to see those people who was swimming in the sea.Suddenly a thief came closer and closer,but the girl was so focused on those swimmer, and did not noticed him.Sadly, the thief took her bike and rode away.A moment later, she noticed that she lost her bike.She ran to a telephone box to call the police, saying and crying...
热心网友 回答时间:2024-10-28 02:06
A little girl Jizhe Ju-happily came to a park, she will be placed on a car, do not watch the sea in the middle reaches of the Wing people, at this time, the thief is a step-by-step approach towards her. The little girl looked to see the God, did not take into account the car, the thieves will do her car ride away. When the little girl Hui Guoshen, they found the car missing. She's anxious towards the Office of telephone, alarm, she said, crying ……



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