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Everybody'S Girl 歌词

提问网友 发布时间:2024-11-03 22:50
热心网友 回答时间:2024-11-03 23:11
歌曲名:Everybody'S Girl
歌手:Rick Springfield
专辑:Working Class Dog

Jennifer Lopez - Everybody's Girl
Let's play a game
Let's just pretend like you don't know who i am
Believe it if you say that you're not a fan
Act like i'm interested in some other man
Turn on the lights
So that the cameras' flashing won't be so bright
And let the crowd ain't getting big outside
They're wanting details on how i live my life
There's no escape from the fame
To somewhere they don't know my name
I love you i do feel your pain
But the question still remain
Can you love somebody loved by everybody?
Can you love somebody when they're everybody's girl?
Can you love somebody loved by everybody?
Can you love somebody when they're everybody's girl?
Can you love the, can you love the, can you love the girl?
Can you love the, can you love the, can you love the girl?
Can you love the, can you love the, can you love the girl?
Can you love her, can you love her, can you love her?
Out through the back
Too many people blocking the front door
We go our different ways so we want more
Another gig i got in until four
There's no escape from the fame
To somewhere they don't know my name
I love you i do feel your pain
But the question still remain
Can you love somebody loved by everybody?
Can you love somebody when they're everybody's girl?
Can you love somebody loved by everybody?
Can you love somebody when they're everybody's girl?
Can you love the, can you love the, can you love the girl?
Can you love the, can you love the, can you love the girl?
Can you love the, can you love the, can you love the girl?
Can you love her, can you love her, can you love her?
I love it, i love it
Cool as summercool
I'm flying and i love it
She just wants to be seen
Can you hang to a shooting star
Handle distance near and far
Don't let the jealousy and envy get to you
Cause i'll be running home back to you
Can you love somebody loved by everybody?
Can you love somebody when they're everybody's girl?
Can you love somebody loved by everybody?
Can you love somebody when they're everybody's girl?
Can you love the, can you love the, can you love the girl?
Can you love the, can you love the, can you love the girl?
Can you love the, can you love the, can you love the girl?
Can you love her, can you love her, can you love her?



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