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提问网友 发布时间:2024-10-28 08:33
热心网友 回答时间:2024-10-28 09:02
In order to achieve IPL- Beijing on administrative personnel needs, a complex multi-skill talents, I have the spirit of " the heaven revolves, the gentleman to unremitting self-improvement " concept to try to do well in everything. In the company for nearly a year, stumbling, do not know how to understand a little,,, I had been trying to do their work, but also for their own gain valuable experience. Through a variety of activities, a variety of work, I have the opportunity to apply theory to practice, and in accordance with social practice experience to complement their learning in schools in shortage, all this for me is the life of an indispensable valuable wealth, although for my ideal self also is far away, the future work, life and learning is quite inadequate, but I believe that with the front of the ride, I can adapt to the future life.. I will continue to work hard!!
热心网友 回答时间:2024-10-28 09:03
In order to meet IPL-the demand for administratives in Beijing,and to be multiplied talented personnel with one mastering over mutilple competences,i have been doing my best on every single thing in conformance with that the nature does its way firm,a good man is to be motivative.
being in the company for almost a year,with falls and knocks,from knowing nothing to knowing a little bit,i have been striving to do my job well,and have gained some valuable expierences.


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