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提问网友 发布时间:2024-10-24 12:43
热心网友 回答时间:2024-10-28 03:07

The article provides English translations for various facilities commonly found in a building. Here are the translations:

For the restroom, it is referred to as "Toilet."
The "boiled water room" is where you can find hot water supplies, often designated as "boiled water room."
The "Wash and disinfection room" is where cleaning and sanitization processes take place.
The "Disposal room" serves as a space for waste management and disposal.
The "Power distribution room" or "PeiDianJian" is where electrical systems and equipment are installed and maintained.
A "Between pack storage room" or "Between pack" is typically used for temporarily storing and organizing items before they are packaged or moved.
The "Storage room" or "Storage between content" is a general-purpose space for keeping items and supplies.
A "Washing and sterilization room" or "Washing sterilization" is dedicated to cleaning and eliminating germs.

These are the English names for these functional areas within a building or facility.

热心网友 回答时间:2024-10-28 03:09

The article provides English translations for various facilities commonly found in a building. Here are the translations:

For the restroom, it is referred to as "Toilet."
The "boiled water room" is where you can find hot water supplies, often designated as "boiled water room."
The "Wash and disinfection room" is where cleaning and sanitization processes take place.
The "Disposal room" serves as a space for waste management and disposal.
The "Power distribution room" or "PeiDianJian" is where electrical systems and equipment are installed and maintained.
A "Between pack storage room" or "Between pack" is typically used for temporarily storing and organizing items before they are packaged or moved.
The "Storage room" or "Storage between content" is a general-purpose space for keeping items and supplies.
A "Washing and sterilization room" or "Washing sterilization" is dedicated to cleaning and eliminating germs.

These are the English names for these functional areas within a building or facility.


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