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提问网友 发布时间:2024-10-24 13:16
热心网友 回答时间:2024-11-14 15:36
Hello! Receive your letter very happy. Now I would like to introce you to me. I have a long a "hedgehog short hair," Ling Ling's water under the eyes of a long cherry mouth, a bit delicate. I Shouguruchai, there will be no qualification other than with brute force. But little thin body Zhengjianghaosheng actually have a heart of the enterprise. I remember on one occasion, Mathematics, accidents and I did not award-winning, he fell outside the ten. Chagrin, is a secretly determined to study hard and strive for the next "champion." I am learning, is even more laudable is a tenacious perseverance. No matter what face a petty little things, I have the level of non-than-not. I have that silver tongue, which is e to the lame argument into a temper and sometimes Sichanlanda about it, really Mozhe. Unfortunately, I have many shortcomings. I always like Bagao own, not to Newton, Edison, and other well-known scientists paid, and even the wisdom of the ancient and modern incarnation of the wise, just as the next Miss Amon. Not necessarily more on the shortcomings can not be ideal. I also have the ideal boy. Lawyers, lawyers, the word in his mind the ups and downs. This is a good dream, I can not read the law books, but Yiwufangu history books and become a "fraternal knot justice." Letter to my cabinet of countless history books such as "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", "Outlaws of the Marsh" and "5,000 years of up and down" ... ... these books to me after the law took to the stage there was a ghost, but I can be mad about reading. With students about history, in full flight, but he said no one. That is why I am. I listened to the presentation, you understand me? That in the future on the multi-link it! I wish: to learn and progress Happy day! ! !


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