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Kiss And Tell (1999 Digital Remaster) 歌词

提问网友 发布时间:2024-10-24 07:22
热心网友 回答时间:2024-11-07 10:45
歌曲名:Kiss And Tell (1999 Digital Remaster)
歌手:Bryan Ferry
专辑:Bete Noire

Selena Gomez - Kiss And Tell
When you walk, you don't leave tracks
When you talk, they don't talk back
Believing every word you say
But they don't know
They don't, don't know
Secrets that you just can't keep
Promises that you made me
You twisted it to suit yourself
But now I know, I know, I know
Everything that I told you
You just smile and then you
Kiss and tell
Everything I say
Stuck inside your little web
Everybody wants to know, yeah
Lips that lie
Caught in your trap
Sold me out and you just laugh
Say we're friends until the end, yeah
But you don't mean it, don't mean it
You don't mean it, you don't mean it, no
I wish that I could take it back
You want it all, but you can't have that
People falling at your feet
But they don't know
They don't, don't know
You're gonna figure out real soon
The dirty deeds will catch up to you
It's crumbling beneath your feet
But you don't know, you don't, don't know
Everything that I told you
You just smile and then you
Kiss and tell
Everything I say
Stuck inside your little web
Everybody wants to know, yeah
Lips that lie
Caught in your trap
Sold me out and you just laugh
Say we're friends until the end, yeah
But you don't mean it, don't mean it
You don't mean it, you don't mean it, no
Everything that I told you
Everything that I told you
You just smile and then you
Kiss and tell
Everything I say
Stuck inside your little web
Everybody wants to know, yeah
Lips that lie
Caught in your trap
Sold me out and you just laugh
Say we're friends until the end, yeah
But you
Kiss and tell
Everything I say
Stuck inside your little web
Everybody wants to know, yeah
Lips that lie
Caught in your trap
Sold me out and you just laugh
Say we're friends until the end, yeah
But you don't mean it, don't mean it
You don't mean it, you don't mean it, no
Don't mean it, don't mean it
You don't mean it, you don't mean it, no



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