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提问网友 发布时间:2024-10-19 20:38
热心网友 回答时间:2024-10-21 13:39
Over the past decade, Longre Ecation Group, a rapidly growing institution, has firmly established itself as one of China's most influential and recognizable ecation brands. Focusing on delivering exceptional learning experiences and improved exam performance, it has dedicated its resources to its students.

With a sprawling presence across the country, Longre has more than 50 campuses in cities like Shanghai, Beijing, and济南, spanning over 80,000 square meters of teaching space. The group's extensive network serves over 100,000 students annually, creating a comprehensive service network reaching across the globe. Their international marketing strategy reflects their commitment to global outreach.

Under its umbrella, Longre owns several esteemed brands, including the leading IELTS and TOEFL training center, specialized留学咨询服务, advanced online English training, and a variety of language centers for non-English languages. Additionally, they cater to early childhood ecation with LoloKids, targeting the K3 to K11 age group.

Notably, the company has earned numerous accolades, such as being recognized as one of Shanghai's top 10外语培训机构 in 2004, and being awarded for its excellence in IELTS training. Their ISO9001 certification by SGS, a leading global certification body, solidifies their reputation as a benchmark in the ecation instry for teaching, research, and service standards.

Looking forward, Longre Ecation Group, guided by its mission to uplift indivials, promote their growth, and contribute to societal value, continues to learn and evolve, striving to build a global ecation brand and advance towards becoming an international ecational powerhouse.


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