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Into The Woods (2010 Digital Remaster) 歌词

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歌曲名:Into The Woods (2010 Digital Remaster)
歌手:The Rambelins
专辑:Into The Woods

Into The Woods
Across The Dark
Insomnium--Into The Woods
Now close your eyes
and open your weary heart
let me soothe away the woes
of fiendish world...
As will the sun bathe the land
in its warming light
so shall the moon ascend
to guide the day to wane
in turn the rain to hush
the tumult of this world
and the wind to rise,
sigh a lullaby in trees
"Not in these troubled times
I`m not the one you pined for
no, not into calmer waters
I`m not-the one you long for"
"But a scarecrow, an anathema to the world
looking in from the outside
it`s time to turn my back,
walk off the beaten path
seek heartening in solitude"
The arc of sky is roof where I call it home
drizzle of rain the only music from now on
my bed is made from juniper`s boughs
of mire and moss my pillow
"Not in these troubled times
I`m not the one you pined for
no, not into calmer waters
I`m not-the one you long for"
"But a scarecrow, an anathema to the world
looking in from the outside
it`s time to turn my back,
walk off the beaten path
seek heartening in solitude"
Lone footprints diverge from tree line
autumn veils the sloughs with rime
shell of quagmire
yet too fragile to bear a man



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