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提问网友 发布时间:2024-09-02 04:19
热心网友 回答时间:2024-09-02 05:46


Storytelling, a traditional Chinese oral performance art with a long history, originated in the Song Dynasty. It involves narrating stories orally and incorporating moral judgments about characters. The content of the stories often originates from historical events and classic novels, such as "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" and "Water Margin". With the popularity of radios and TVs, this traditional art form has gained new vitality and has become a pleasant choice for people's leisure time.



In the Chinese feudal society, palace architecture symbolized imperial power and represented the peak of architectural technology. From the Epang Palace of the Qin Dynasty to the Forbidden City during the Ming and Qing Dynasties, these palaces are not only grand in scale but also ornate in decoration, fully showcasing the charm of ancient Chinese architecture. The Forbidden City, as the imperial palace of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, is the largest and best-preserved wooden ancient architectural complex existing in China, and is a pride of the Chinese nation.



The Taklamakan Desert, located in the Xinjiang region of China, is the largest desert in our country and is known as the "Sea of Death". Here, sand dunes stretch endlessly, and sandstorms are frequent, causing great distress to local residents. In order to improve the ecological environment, the local government has taken a series of measures, such as afforestation and returning cultivated land to forests, in an attempt to alleviate the impact of desertification.



The Forbidden City, also known as the Imperial Palace, is an ancient royal palace in China, located in the center of Beijing. It was built during the reign of Emperor Yongle of the Ming Dynasty and has a history of nearly 600 years. The Forbidden City is not only grand in scale but also exquisite in architecture, and is a gem in the architectural history of China and even the world. Here, we can experience the grandeur and majesty of ancient Chinese royal architecture and learn about all aspects of the life in ancient royal courts.



A Dream of Red Mansions, also known as "The Stone Records", is the peak achievement of classical Chinese novels and is hailed as "the peak of Chinese fiction". The author, Cao Xueqin, uses delicate brushstrokes to depict the rise and fall of the Jia, Wang, Shi, and Xue families, showcasing various contradictions and conflicts in the feudal society. This work not only has high literary value but also has important reference value for studying the politics, economy, and culture of the feudal society in China.


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