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提问网友 发布时间:2024-08-22 08:31
热心网友 回答时间:2024-08-22 09:31
1 julie went to the ____to buy a pair of shoes.
c. shoe store 名词作定语用单数
2 usually, young people have black ____and old people have white _____.
b.hair, one 表示整体来 习惯用hair
3 i think it is a wonderful _____.
c. idea 其它选项都是不可数名词 不能与a连用
4 we are very happy with our____in our studies.
b. great progress 进步progress是抽象名词是不可数名词
5 there is ____milk and ____apples in the fridge. let's get some.
b.little ,few 这是否定的语气
6 he bought _____.
a. two pairs of shoes A 鞋,都是成双,成对的 永远是复数。用two pairs of 表示两双
7 she has given us ____.
a. a great help 抽象名词具体化
8 it's only ten ___break.
c. minutes' 名词复数的所有格 作定语

9 tom won the boy's _____race.
a 15000-metre 带连字符的 数量词 作定语 用单数
10 look at the shoes . they are my ____.
假如指的是一个姐姐的话 答案是 b.sister's
b. in three weeks' time 正确 名词复数的所有格 作定语
11 i like that son of _____.
如果只有一个儿子 选a. john's sister
如果不止一个儿子 选c. john's sister's 推荐选C
12 i'll go and call at _____right after school.
d. my uncle's名词所有格 可以表示地点
热心网友 回答时间:2024-08-22 09:30
julie went to the ___C_to buy a pair of shoes. a. shoes store b. shoe's store c. shoe store d. shoes' store
usually, young people have black __B__and old people have white _____. a. hairs, ones b.hair, one c.hair, ones d.hairs, one
i think it is a wonderful ___C__. a. work b. information c. idea d. news
we are very happy with our_A___in our studies. a great progresses b. great progress c. many progress d lot of progress
there is __B__milk and ____apples in the fridge. let's get some. a. little , a few b.little ,few c. a little,few d. few , a little
he bought __A___. a. two pairs of shoes b. two pair of shoes c. two pairs of shoe d. two pair of shoe
she has given us __A__. a. a great help b. many helps c. a large number of help d. a lot of help
it's only ten __C_break. a. minutes b. minute's c. minutes' d. minutes's
tom won the boy's __A___race. a 15000-metre b. 150000-metres c. 15000-metre's d. 1500 metres
look at the shoes . they are my __B__. a. sister b.sister's c.sisters's d. sisters'
a.in three weeks time b. in three weeks' time c. in three week's time d. three-weeks time哪个正确
i like that son of ___A__. a. jhon's sister b.jhon sister's c. john's sister's d. jhon's sisters
i'll go and call at ___D__right after school. a. the doctor b.the smiths .csmith d. my uncle's
热心网友 回答时间:2024-08-22 09:24
1、C 固定用法,只能这么用
2、A 当指整个头上的头发时,hair可数
3、C 形容词wonderful非凡的奇妙的,其它不可数
4、B progress就是进步的意思,没有可数不可数之分
5、B 苹果可数,牛奶不可数...因为要买了,所以不是a few,那是还有一些
8、C 十分钟的,十,因此变复数,后面“的”要加一撇
9、A 中间有连接符本来就是形容词,不需要一撇s,同时有连接符的时候不用复数
13、B,call at是拜访的意思,我要去拜访史密斯一家



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