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提问网友 发布时间:2024-08-29 16:01
热心网友 回答时间:2024-08-29 16:08
excuse me baby what's the deal
what's the deal?
how you feel?
could you tell me baby how you feel?
how you feel?
i never try to cross the line
cross the line girl
but i stepped on it a couple times
she didn't go, she didn't move
she been lookin' past the bad things that i do
she didn't go, she didn't move
that's why she'll always be the one i cater to, ooh yeah

baby be the leader (ho) i'm the receiver (ho)

and i'll follow you baby, follow you baby
baby be the leader (ho) i'm the receiver (ho)
and i'll follow you baby, follow you baby
she stayed with me and she didn't leave
but all the time she didn't go, go, go, go
she stayed with me and she didn't leave

but all the time she didn't go, go, go, go

baby yes i know i made mistakes
but i was straight up with you
yes i told the truth
the truth about every time
i never was the type to lie
she didn't go, she didn't move
she been lookin' past the bad things that i do
she didn't go, she didn't move

that's why she'll always be the one i cater to, ooh yeah
baby be the leader (ho) i'm the receiver (ho)
and i'll follow you baby, follow you baby
baby be the leader (ho) i'm the receiver (ho)
and i'll follow you baby, follow you baby
she stayed with me and she didn't leave
though all the time she didn't go, go, go, go
she stayed with me and she didn't leave

though all the time she didn't go, go, go, go
excuse me baby what's the deal
could you tell me baby how you feel?
i never try to cross the line

but i stepped on it a couple times yeah, yeah
baby be the leader (ho) i'm the receiver (ho)
and i'll follow you baby, follow you baby
baby be the leader (ho) i'm the receiver (ho)
and i'll follow you baby, follow you baby
she stayed with me and she didn't leave
though all the time she didn't go, go, go, go
she stayed with me and she didn't leave
though all the time she didn't go, go, go, go
baby be the leader (ho) i'm the receiver (ho)
and i'll follow you baby, follow you baby
baby be the leader (ho) i'm the receiver (ho)
and i'll follow you baby, follow you baby


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