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同居男女2 第二十六集背景音乐的英文歌

提问网友 发布时间:2024-08-23 08:07
热心网友 回答时间:2024-08-23 09:18
Hello hello baby
You called I can't hear a thing
I have got no service
in the club you see see…
Wha-Wha-What did you say
Oh you're breaking up on me…
Sorry I cannot hear you
I'm kinda busy
K-kinda busy
K-kinda busy
Sorry I cannot hear you I'm kinda busy
Just a second
it's my favorite song they're gonna play
And I cannot text you with
a drink in my hand eh…
You shoulda made some plans with me
you knew that I was free
And now you won't stop calling me
I'm kinda busy
Stop callin' stop callin'
I don't wanna think anymore!
I left my hand and my heart on the dance floor
Stop callin' stop callin'
I don't wanna talk anymore!
I left my hand and my heart on the dance floor
Eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh…
Stop telephonin' me!
Eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh…
I'm busy!
Eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh…
Stop telephonin' me!
Eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh…
Can call all you want
but there's no one home
and you're not gonna reach my telephone!
Out in the club
and I'm sippin' that bub
and you're not gonna reach my telephone!
Call when you want
but there's no one home
and you're not gonna reach my telephone!
Out in the club
and I'm sippin' that bub
and you're not gonna reach my telephone!
Boy the way you blowin' up my phone
won't make me leave no faster
Put my coat on faster
leave my girls no faster
I shoulda left my phone at home
'cause this is a disaster!
Callin' like a collector -
sorry I cannot answer!
Not that I don't like you
I'm just at a party
And I am sick and tired
of my phone r-ringing
Sometimes I feel like
I live in Grand Central Station
Tonight I'm not takin' no calls
'cause I'll be dancin'
'Cause I'll be dancin'
'Cause I'll be dancin'
Tonight I'm not takin' no calls 'cause I'll be dancin'!
Stop callin' stop callin'
I don't wanna think anymore!
I left my hand and my heart on the dance floor
Stop callin' stop callin'
I don't wanna talk anymore!
I left my hand and my heart on the dance floor
Stop callin' stop callin'
I don't wanna think anymore!
I left my hand and my heart on the dance floor
Stop callin' stop callin'
I don't wanna talk anymore!
I left my hand and my heart on the dance floor
Eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh…
Stop telephonin' me!
Eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh…
I'm busy!
Eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh…
Stop telephonin' me!
Eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh…
Can call all you want
but there's no one home
you're not gonna reach my telephone!
'Cause I'm out in the club
and I'm sippin' that bub
and you're not gonna reach my telephone!
Call when you want
but there's no one home
and you're not gonna reach my telephone!
'Cause I'm out in the club
and I'm sippin' that bub
and you're not gonna reach my telephone!
My telephone!
M-m-my telephone!
'Cause I'm out in the club
and I'm sippin' that bub
and you're not gonna reach my telephone!
My telephone!
M-m-my telephone!
'Cause I'm out in the club
and I'm sippin' that bub
and you're not gonna reach my telephone!
We're sorry… the number you have reached is not in service at this time
Please check the number or try your call again
热心网友 回答时间:2024-08-23 09:20
perhaps,perhaps ,perhaps the pussycat dolls唱的


...一刻我的心里开始动荡了是什么歌-昨夜舞会歌曲信息介绍 大家有没有觉得小米手机字迹好模糊,有点像山寨机呢?? 科目三转弯可以半踩离合吗 科目三半联动时间可以多久? 全国2023年全社会用电量同比增长6.7%,电力需求增长的背后:各产业用电量... 【一图看懂】中国电力装机新布局抢先看,装机容量,谁是黑马? 2023年全国发电结构、历年分项发电装机容量占比变化趋势(多图)_百度知... 下面黑痣是什么意思? 皮肤上有黑色的小点 福建特色福鼎肉片做法超简单 我的手机卡坏了是神州行的他们说是卡里的芯片坏了能去移动营业厅换张... 经常胃疼,时间长了会得什么病啊? 饥饿会引起心率过快吗 酒后胃痛心跳加速怎么解决 微信群聊天记录如何彻底清除? 浙江义乌有没有大西北物流? 在哪里买雪茄 心脏主动脉硬化怎么办 心脏主动脉硬化怎么治疗 心脏主动脉血管狭窄怎么治 老师送芹菜是什么意思? 送芹菜是什么意思? ...我想p一个宣传海报之类的。背景什么的随意就好,内容像图上那样... 不锈钢发光字制作步骤 请问哪边是靠墙的? 靠墙站姿是什么意思图片 靠墙坐立的正确姿势图片 正常人靠墙站立图片 板式加热器 河南省初级会计需要继续教育吗 七夕情人节祝福短语大全 咀嚼肌疲劳吃什么消炎药 咀嚼肌紊乱疾病肌筋膜疼痛综合症 拔智齿嘴巴张不开怎么回事 08届七年级寒假生活指导答案(青岛) 脚底爱出汗是什么原因 脚为什么老是出汗 脚一直出汗是什么原因 寻找日本网站 梦见和好朋友吵架被孤立的预兆