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蔡依林的一首don't stop是翻唱哪首英文歌曲的呢

提问网友 发布时间:2024-08-25 19:31
热心网友 回答时间:2024-09-04 17:46
英文歌曲:Bring it All Back
Bring it All Back ,蔡依林曾经翻唱过这首歌,并将歌名改成了《Don't Stop》,其实原唱是S CLUB 7,英国的一支流行乐团,由7个16--22岁的年轻人组成,也是一群年轻演员,在BBC电视台的影集Miami 7中担纲,演出一群力争上游的七人流行乐团团员。
"Bring it All Back是S CLUB 7的首张专辑【S Club 7】开场单曲,朗朗上口的副歌与活泼快意的节奏,首周发行立即跃登英国金榜冠军。
希望同学们也能如歌中所唱的Don't stop ,never give up ,永远不要放弃努力,命运就掌握在你自己手里,积极地,充满活力地迎接每一天吧!

don't stop, never give up,不要停止,永不放弃

hold your head high and reach the top, 抬头挺胸达到最好

let the world see what you have got,让世界看见你的收获

bring it all back to you,找回自己

hold on to what you try to be your individuality,坚持你自己的个性 hold on:继续,坚持

when the world is on your shoulders,just smile and let it go,当世界的重担压到你的肩上时,只要一笑了之。let it go:放弃,放手,it 指一切事物。

if people try to put you down,如果有人打击你put 。。。down:贬低,奚落,使窘迫。。。

just walk on by don't turn around;走过去,不要回头

you only have to answer to yourself,你只要对自己负责 answer to someone :向某人负责,听命于某人。

don't you know its true what they say,难道你不知道他们说的是真的

that life it isn't easy,生活不容易

but your time is coming around但你的机会将会来到

so don’t stop trying 不要停止努力,stop trying:停止努力

don't stop, never give up,千万别停止,不要放弃

hold your head high and reach the top,抬头挺胸达到最好

let the world see what you have got,让世界看看你的收获

bring it all back to you,找回自己

dream of falling in love幻想着自己陷入爱河falling in love:相爱,陷入爱河

anything you've been thinking of,自己想过的所有事情

when the world seems to get to tough,当这个世界看起来太艰难时tough:困难的,艰难的

bring it all back to you.找回自己

try not to worry about a thing,努力不为任何事担忧

enjoy the good times life can bring,享受生命带来的美好时光

keep good all the solitude,让这一切留在你的心里

got to let the feeling show,不要压抑自己的感情

imagination is the key,幻想就是天空

because you are your own destiny,因为你把握自己的命运

never should be lonely when time is on your side.你永远不必孤独,时间支持着你

don't you know its true what they say,难道你不知道他们说的都是真的

things are set to try you,这些事情是为了考验你

but your times is coming around,但你的机会将会来到

(so don't stop trying) 不要停止努力
热心网友 回答时间:2024-09-04 17:48
bring it all back
热心网友 回答时间:2024-09-04 17:48
S CLUB 7 - Bring It All Back

Bring it all back now

Don't stop, never give up
Hold your head high and reach the top
Let the world see what you have got
Bring it all back to you

Hold on to what you try to be
Your individuality
When the world is on your shoulders
Just smile and let it go
If people try to put you down
Just walk on by don't turn around
You only have to answer to yourself

Don't you know it's true what they say
That life, it ain't easy
But your time's coming around
So don't you stop tryin'

Don't stop, never give up
Hold your head high and reach the top
Let the world see what you have got
Bring it all back to you
Dream of falling in love
Anything you've been thinking of
When the world seems to get too tough
Bring it all back to you

Na na na na..

Try not to worry 'bout a thing
Enjoy the good times life can bring
Keep it all inside you
Gotta let the feeling show
Imagination is the key
'Cos you are you're own destiny
You never should be lonely
When time is on your side

Don't you know it's true what they say
Things are sent to try you
But your time's coming around
So don't you stop tryin'

Don't stop, never give up
Hold your head high and reach the top
Let the world see what you have got
Bring it all back to you
Dream of falling in love
Anything you've been thinking of
When the world seems to get too tough
Bring it all back to you

Na na na na..

Don't you know it's true what they say
Things happen for a reason
But your time's coming around
So don't you stop tryin'

Don't stop, never give up
Hold your head high and reach the top
Let the world see what you have got
Bring it all back to you
Dream of falling in love
Anything you've been thinking of
When the world seems to get too tough
Bring it all back to you
[Repeat to fade]


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