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提问网友 发布时间:2024-09-04 07:05
热心网友 回答时间:2024-09-04 07:26
the difficulties I met in learning English

student:hello,Miss li .I have some problems when learning English ,I'd like to talk with you if you have time .

Teacher: sure!What is it ?

stu:Er...I am not good at listening I think.I just cannot catch the key words when listening .

Teach: Well,many students have this problem,it's ok,you just need some more practice.

stu:I do have done the prictice .but it does not work.

Teach: may be you just not find the way that suits you .After the practice ,may be you should go over the text you've done,listen again sentence by sentence ,until you really clear what they talk about .do not just close the paper and think you have finish it .

stu:yes ,I will take you advise.oh and Teacher,is there a good method to remember the words .

Teach:oh ,a large vocabulary need a long time accumulation .

Stu:I know ,but I feel difficult ,I cannot have a strong impression of them...only after one or two days .I will forget them.

Teach: Em... next time when you read a word.you don't just remember the spelling of it ,you also need to know the meaning of it .besides,you can make a sentence ,and you will deeply remeber it .

Stu:I see..

Teach:you'd better review it twice a day .

Stu: thank you Miss li .that's really a good way.I will do what you've said.thank you for you time.

Teach:you are welcom.Just come to me if you have any problems while studying.
(自己编的 希望对你有帮助。。)


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