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...techniques and methods in Studio to save your time

提问网友 发布时间:2024-07-26 02:31
热心网友 回答时间:2024-07-26 11:55

Visual Studio, the powerful developer's companion, offers a plethora of debugging tricks that can streamline your workflow and save you invaluable time. Here are 11 essential techniques to enhance your debugging prowess:

1. Effortless Expression Evaluation

When examining variables or expressions, the traditional watch window can be cumbersome. Visual Studio takes it a step further by allowing you to hover your mouse over data – if it's a class or struct, simply click to expand and view its fields effortlessly.

2. On-the-Fly Value Manipulation

Debugging isn't just about error diagnosis; it's a tool for exploring program behavior. With Visual Studio, you can modify variable values during runtime, allowing you to test assumptions without the need for code changes or restarts. Simply hover, double-click, and input your desired value.

3. Customized Execution Path

When a function call leads to unexpected errors, skip the restarts with the 'Set Next Run Location' feature. Drag the yellow arrow to bypass unnecessary code and land directly where you need to analyze.

4. Edit, Debug, and Go

Debugging complex programs? No need to compile again. Edit bugs in place, and Visual Studio will apply the changes, enabling you to continue debugging without restarting.

However, remember that editing and continuing has limitations, such as not being applicable to 64-bit code. Optimize for 'x86' in project settings, and be cautious with lambda expressions and function modifications.

5. Simplified Inspection with the Watch Window
Visual Studio's watch window is user-friendly, allowing quick addition and removal of variables. Type expressions or delete existing ones with just a few clicks, and explore more advanced features like tracking handles or error codes.
6. Debugging in Assembly

Unravel complex code with Visual Studio's built-in assembly capabilities. View and modify assembly instructions, set breakpoints, and debug just like you would in C++.

7. Thread Management made Easy
Debugging multithreaded code can be overwhelming, but Visual Studio shines with its thread window, providing instant access to all threads and their stack information.
8. Conditional Breakpoints
Say goodbye to unnecessary breaks. Set condition-based breakpoints to target specific scenarios, ensuring your debugging efforts are focused and efficient.
9. Memory Inspection for Bug Detection
Memory errors can be tricky. The Memory Window in Visual Studio translates memory data, making it simple to spot and fix issues by inspecting memory contents.
10. Navigate to Function Definitions
When tackling unfamiliar code, the 'Jump to Definition' feature is invaluable. Quickly locate function definitions and understand their purpose.
11. Automate Debugging with the Command Window
A hidden gem is the Command Window, where you can execute custom commands to streamline repetitive tasks, like testing MFC datetime variables with a single line:

? dt.Format("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

These powerful debugging tools will undoubtedly elevate your Visual Studio experience, saving time and enhancing your debugging prowess.


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