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提问网友 发布时间:2024-10-12 01:19
热心网友 回答时间:2024-10-12 20:53
Speaking of love, I can not help but think of journey to the West that classic dialogue: if God can give me another chance, I will say three words to her, I love you, you have to give a time limit in the above words, I hope it is ten thousand years.
What is the "love"? For girls, may be hand warmer winter, summer sunshade, is the meticulous care; for the boys, could be lonely smoke, sad drink, is a small inn spend oneself when. And I think, love is a kind of ability, is a kind of tolerance of others and persistent relationship maintenance ability.
We, is just over 18 years old children, we can not have the love, we mistake love as love, the difference between them is that love is a time limit, time is forever, love is touching, which may explain the old couple holding hands than couples holding hands can copy from rolia.
I have seen this couple is about to break up, boys and girls, girls ask boys, do you love me? The boys said, love. No, they just like each other, mutual support, mutual too warm, but they do not stick to it, it comes back to the viewpoints mentioned above, love is a lifetime. If the "love" into a picture, that from the flowers to flowers residual from sunrise to sunset, and grow old with you, from the executive sub hand to. Love flowing in time, in life brilliant, to make a long story short, love is eternal.


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