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提问网友 发布时间:2024-10-10 18:19
热心网友 回答时间:2024-10-16 13:45
Hi Mrs. Beauty,
Please don't be suprised to receive my letter.I was an average student in that middle school. I didn't study hard enough to get good grades for myself and to impress my parents. I always talked with my classmates a lot and I sometimes ignored the teachers' warning. I remember you always brought me to your office and told me to study harder because you thought that I was a sharp student who was not willing to do extra work. Honestly, I didn't really care about you said and I did the same thing all the way through my middle school life. I have realized that your advice is so valuable since the beginning of my high school career. So, I have been studying so hard to get good grades and participating in the student body govenment. Even though my high school is not a prestigious school in our province, I am one of top students in my schools. I have confidence to compete with the smart people in the prestigious high school. I want to thank you for everything. You are great! I will go visit you in a few weeks! See you soon!
Best wishes,
热心网友 回答时间:2024-10-16 13:45
Dear Lily,
I am writting this letter to tell you that I miss you very much .Is everything going well with you ? I am fine . Since we went to high school ,we have not been together .I still remember the joyful time we have spent together .
At the very beginning I entered the high school , I was not used to the new surroundings and I was always thinking of you .Now ,I am often miss you also .How about you ?I can't forget the days we were together .You are my best friend .
I'm looking forward your replay .

Best whishes for you
Yours Lucy
热心网友 回答时间:2024-10-16 13:46
It reads information on a credit card when it is swiped. The information is not stored on the device but is encrypted and sent over secure channels to banks.
It basically makes any mobile phone a cash register for accepting card payments.
As a payor, you receive a receipt via email that can be instantly accessed securely online. You can also use a text message to authorize payment in real time.
Retailers can create a payor account for their customers which accelerates the payment process. For example, a cardholder can assign a photo to their card so their photo will appear on the phone for visual identity confirmation. Mobile devices with touch screens will also allow you to sign for goods.


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