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提问网友 发布时间:2024-10-12 17:19
热心网友 回答时间:2024-10-12 17:58
Received your letter I am very happy. My body is not a very serious problem, a medical examination of chronic colitis, poor absorption, leading to malnutrition. This is when I was born a relationship of recurrent diarrhea. Because of malnutrition, so I body slim. But no, I have been slowly conditioning the.
How the T's shoulders? Very serious is it? Why do I need an operation then? I'm sorry, we do not know your situation. If you did not sleep in the bed Put some ginger tablets may help him sleep better. Surgery Wound healing is a very painful, usually eat more fresh vegetables, can help his recovery as soon as possible. I wish I could go visit you, but we regret that we still do not have enough capacity to Canada.
热心网友 回答时间:2024-10-12 17:56
Receive your letter I enjoyed my body without the very serious problems, the doctor is chronic colitis, absorption is not good, causing malnutrition. this and I was born when there was a connection between the recurrent diarrhea due to malnutrition, so my body too thin. but does not have a relationship, I now have slowly recuperating.
T shoulders? very serious is? why do I need to go under the knife? sorry, we do not know your situation-if T insomnia, in bed-and-drop point ginger tablets may be able to help him better sleep. Postoperative wound healing is painful, usually eat more fresh vegetables, can help the recovery as soon as possible; T really hope to see you, but I'm sorry we now do not have sufficient capacity to Canada.
The last time I was invited others to translate for me, because I know software translation is not ideal.
I again made a photo, you should see this time-I wish I could make the photo T forget the pain.
I hope my friends body faster recovery.
热心网友 回答时间:2024-10-12 17:59
Receiving your letter I am very happy. My body is not a very serious problem, a medical examination, chronic colitis, poor absorption, leading to malnutrition. This is when I was born a relationship of recurrent diarrhea. Because of malnutrition, so I body slim. But no, I am now slowly conditioning the.
How the T's shoulders? Very serious is it? Why do I need an operation then? I'm sorry, we do not know your situation. If T insomnia, put some fresh ginger slices in the bed might be able to help him sleep better. Surgery Wound healing is a very painful, usually eat more fresh vegetables, can help the recovery of T as soon as possible. I wish I could go visit you, but we regret that we still do not have enough capacity to Canada.
My last letter is to ask someone else to help me to translate, because I know that software is not so good translation.
I took pictures again, this time you should see. I hope my photos can temporarily forget the pain for T.
I hope my friends can quickly recover the body.

Wish my friend a healthy safe and happy
热心网友 回答时间:2024-10-12 17:58
I am very happy to receive your letter. There isn't anything serious about my health. The doctor said that it is just chronic colitis which affects the intake of nutrition, causing malnutrition. This is related to the diarrhea I often get when I was just born. Because I'm malnourished, I am a little thin. However, it's okay. I am recovering.

How's T's shoulder? Is is serious? Why is there a need for operation? I'm sorry that we didn't know your situation. If T is suffering from insomnia, you can put some ginger pieces beside the bed - it might help. The recuperation period after the operation will be tough, especially while the wound is healing. He will recover faster if he eats some fruits and vegetables regularly. I really hope to visit you, but I am really not in a state to travel. The last letter I wrote was translated by someone else, because I know that translation softwares do not work well.

I have attached the photos again, so you should be able to see it this time. I hope that these pictures can help T forget his pain.

I hope he can recover soon.

I wish you, deep down from my heart, to have a good health and happiness.
热心网友 回答时间:2024-10-12 17:54
Receive your letters me very happy.My body have no very severity of problem, the doctor check be a chronic colon burning, absorb not good, cause malnutrition.This with my birth usually sex diarrhea relevant fasten.Because of malnutrition, so my type of figure be partial to thin.However there is no relation, I now have already been slowly adjusting reason.
What's the matter with T shoulder?Very severity BE?Why does the demand perform operation?Save the mark, we all don't know you of circumstance.If the T suffer from insomnia, in the bedside put some ginger slice an ability a help probably he betterly fallen asleep. After operation wound's heal is a painful affair, the peacetime eat some fresh vegetable more, ability help T as soon as possible of instauration.The true hope can visit you, but very sorry we now didn't°yet enough of the ability to Canada.
The letter of my last time ask other people to help me translation, because I know software translation ignore think.
I again afresh hair photograph, this time should be able to see.Only wish my photograph ability temporarily let the T forget a slight illness.
Hope my friend's body ability hurry instauration to get up.

Wish my friend of wish an ability from the bottom of the heart health peaceful happiness!


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