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I want you的歌词

提问网友 发布时间:2024-10-10 17:19
热心网友 回答时间:2024-10-16 11:57
hot-tempered with the shortest fuseyou're such a mess with an attitudeyou're working hard, but you're paying moreyou never talk if you don't have toyou got a job, but you hate the manwho takes it all like uncle sami want you, you, you, you-you, you-youi, i, i-i-i, i want youout of gas, so you walk for milesto pick me up in your worn out shoesyou never settle, never take too muchyou count on me, just like i count on youkiss me, like when i first saw youi figured out i couldn't be without youyou, you, you, you,-you, you-youi, i, i-i-i, i want youyou're so hot-tempered with the shortest fuseyou're such a mess with an attitudeyou, you, you, you-you, you-youi, i, i-i-i, i want youi want you, you-you, you-youi, i, i-i-i, i want youno one will else will do(i want) no one makes me smile(i want) no one gets me howi want no one else, it's youyou, you, youi want you, you-you, you-youi, i, i-i-i, i want youyou and me, walking togetherscrewing up, for worse or for betteryou, you, you-you, you-youi, i, i-i-i, i want youhearts break too fast, when they're sentimentalwon't stay, won't last, when it's love at first sightso why are my convictions blinded by your spotlightcan't breathe, can't sleep with some medicationi'll kiss goodbye to my reservationsi know there's other fish out in the seanot for me, i want youif i can't have you, then i don't want anyoneif i can't have you, then all the damage has been donebaby, you can't break these rulesif you wanna have some funthink of all the love that you will loseif i can't have youheartbeat, cold sweat, thoughts slipping undercan't fight, no threat 'cause there's just no useone look, no hesitation, i'm slipping into youforgive these eyes, these lips you're tastingno time to waste on an invitationmy shame, my self-control has suffered enoughand everybody wants to be lovedif i can't have you, then i don't want anyoneif i can't have you, then all the damage has been donebaby, you can't break these rulesif you wanna have some funthink of all the love that you will loseif i can't have youi haven't seen the best that love has had to offerthey say perfection's always right around the cornercould be true, but if i can't have youif i can't have you, then i don't want anyoneif i can't have you, then all the damage has been donebaby, you can't break these rulesif you wanna have some funthink of all the love that you will loseif i can't have you


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