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提问网友 发布时间:2024-07-26 02:01
热心网友 回答时间:2024-07-26 03:01
know your life is empty 我知道你空虚
And you hate to face this world alone 你喜欢独自面对这个世界
So you're searching for an angel 所以你寻找天使
Someone who can make you whole 有人能够使你总体
I can not save you 我不了你
I can't even save myself 我连救自己
So just save yourself 所以刚才救自己

I know that you've been damaged 我知道你已经损坏
Your soul has suffered such abuse 你的心灵受到了这种虐待
But I am not your savior 但我不是你的救世主
I am just as fucked as you 就像你我fucked
I am just as fucked as you 就像你我fucked
I can not save you 我不了你
I can't even save myself 我连救自己
So just save yourself 所以刚才救自己

Please don't take pity on me 请不要迁就我
Please don't take pity on me 请不要迁就我
Please don't take pity on me 请不要迁就我
Please don't take pity on me 请不要迁就我

My life has been a nightmare 我的生活一直是一场噩梦
My soul is fractured to the bone 我的灵魂是破碎的骨
And if I must be lonely, I think I'd rather be alone 如果我必须孤独,我觉得我宁可被孤单
I think I'd rather be alone 你不能救救我

You can not save me 即使你不能拯救自己
You can't even save yourself 我不了你
I can not save you 我连救自己
I can't even save myself 救自己
Save yourself
So just save yourself所以刚才救自己
热心网友 回答时间:2024-07-26 02:58
I know your life is empty
And you hate to face this world alone
So you're searching for an angel
Someone who can make you whole
I can not save you
I can't even save myself
So just save yourself

I know that you've been damaged
Your soul has suffered such abuse
But I am not your savior
I am just as fucked as you
I am just as fucked as you
I can not save you
I can't even save myself
So just save yourself

Please don't take pity on me
Please don't take pity on me
Please don't take pity on me
Please don't take pity on me

My life has been a nightmare
My soul is fractured to the bone
And if I must be lonely, I think I'd rather be alone
I think I'd rather be alone

You can not save me
You can't even save yourself
I can not save you
I can't even save myself
Save yourself
So just save yourself

额 就翻译这么多 网上那些在线翻译的 一眼就看出错的了
热心网友 回答时间:2024-07-26 03:03
曲名:Save Yourself歌手:Speedway试听



歌词链接 复制歌词 歌词纠错 已成功复制歌词
Will Young - Save Yourself
Couldn’t stand the city
I had to get away
Drive myself down to the coast
For a couple of days
Love to take you with me
But I’m sure you’d never.e
Don’t know how you stay alive
Without seeing the sun
Look what you’ve b.e
Save yourself, just yourself
Don’t think about no-one else
Save yourself, just yourself
I can’t help you
Let them go, let them go
You’re gonna get through alone
Save yourself, just yourself
Said he was a junkie
Everybody got involved
’Cos they’re only trying to help
You would not be told
Wake up every morning
I try to show you what is good
But on the sly you’d go and try
Anything you could
How’s that for gratitude?



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